Year End Message from Sage YMCA Executive Director
As 2020 draws to a close, I have been reflecting on what can only be described as an intensely trying and anxious year for all. Thankfully, through the combined efforts of our volunteers, staff and Board of Directors, we have been able to continue our focus to provide services to the community. A few key themes from the year stand out to me as we look back on 2020 and ahead to the future:
We learned social distancing, developed home/work routines, implemented Zoom and Team meetings. We are repeatedly washing our hands, and people wear masks to protect themselves, family members, peers, strangers and even when working out!
But through this collective experience, we’re all discovering a new strength. Community values are shining through in beautiful ways. For many, the YMCA is helping break the isolation, keeping people healthy and enabling children to still attend preschool or make new friends in their remote learning pods.
Today, I would like to acknowledge the strength in our team. Each member works tirelessly, harnessing all their energy and skills to meet the needs of our members. They do whatever it takes to get the job done! Our motto this past 9 months is “We Got This!”
For that, I want to thank all Sage YMCA employees who have adjusted their way of working to continue supporting our valued members and youth.
I am proud of the work values, spirit, and unity I have observed in our employees, as they adapted to a new reality.
To our members, we know how extraordinary these times are for you and your families. We believe solidarity will help us get through this together. We will continue to provide you the utmost support and services in the best way we can.
In these moments of uncertainty, there is one thing you can always count on—our commitment to you. We are extremely honored to serve and partner with you today and in the future. Together we are stronger!
As we say farewell to 2020 and hold a lot of hope for 2021 and as you are considering you yearend donations, I would like to remind you that it is still not too late to donate to the Sage YMCA, so that we can continue to serve the youth and families in our community.
I am humbled and honored to serve as the Executive Director at the Sage YMCA and wish you and your loved ones a Very Happy and Healthy New Year.
Lesley Franklin
Executive Director