Girls playing volleyball
Jan 21, 2020 - Sage YMCA

Youth Volleyball Skills

Did you know that volleyball is one of the world's most popular sports with 900 million fans worldwide?  Join your friends at the Sage YMCA this winter and learn how to pass, set and hit.

Wednesdays: January 15 - March 11


Ages 9 - 11 at 6:15 - 7pm

Ages 12 - 14 at 7:15 - 8pm

New lower price!

$80 (member) / $110 (non-member)

Check out the Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions to find out more about this awesome class!
  • What are we going to learn about volleyball in this class?  
​           Athletes will learn how to execute the fundamental skills of volleyball.  These
           include but are not limited to passing, serving and hitting (spiking).
  • What if my athlete has never played volleyball before?
​            No worries!  Each session is meant to introduce skills and provide
            instruction and drills on how to perform the skill.  Coaches are patient
            and have worked with all levels of athletes to make sure it is a positive
            experience for everyone.
  • What if my athlete has played before?
​            Sessions will provide meaningful practice to any level of volleyball
            knowledge.  As with many sports, the basic skills don't change, they
            just get more refined.
  • Will we work on any non-volleyball specific skills?
​            Volleyball is an explosive sport with a lot of change of direction.  Through
            agility drills and warm-ups, athletes will learn how to move their bodies to
            help build speed and power while also keeping them healthy.
  • What makes volleyball at the YMCA special?
​            Week after week, athletes will not only hear about volleyball, they are going
            to feel and see the YMCA community.  Becoming a great teammate requires
            constant practice and exposure to the core values of honesty, respect,
            responsibility and caring.  Here athletes will fee safe and encouraged to not
            only succeed, but most importantly make mistakes and keep going!
Register Here
If you have questions, contact Nikki at [email protected].