Urban Warrior is now recruiting Veterans
We are looking for a few good individuals to volunteer their Saturdays for a great cause, The Urban Warriors Program.
Urban Warriors is a grouped based, mentoring program designed to leverage the shared experiences of combat veterans and Chicago youth dealing with different forms of adversity. In the long term, the adaptive coping skills and protective factors that youth develop in the program lead to increased engagement in pro-social activities, such as education, careers, and skill-building programs, and decreased risk behaviors.
We are Currently looking for Veterans to serve as mentors at our following sites.
* South Chicago YMCA: 3039 East 91st Street, Chicago, IL 60617
* Southside Woodlawn YMCA 6330 South Stoney Island Ave, Chicago, IL 60637:
* Pilsen YSVP: 2700 South Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60608
We are looking for committed Veterans who are…
β Post-9/11 Veterans (Male and Female)
β Committed to participating in 16 Saturday Program sessions (break down = 3.5 hours per week of program; 2 hours per week of preparation; and 2—5 hour training)
β Hoping to work alongside youth to make a positive impact on their lives
β Excited to give back to the community
There is a small stipend included. If you are interested, or know a valuable candidate who would make a good fit, please feel free to reach out and contact Julio Cortes.
Thank you!