Take the Pledge Be a Water Watcher and Save Lives
As a Water Watcher, your're making a commitment to being an active and engaged observer when children are around any body of waer-a lake or creek, a community pool, a backyard hot tub or event he Y.
The Water Watcher Pledge….. I agree to:
- Actively watch children when they are in or near any body of water.
- In an emergency, pull all children out of the water and call 911.
- Keep my eyes on the water
- Avoid distractions.
Take a photo with you Water Watcher badge and share it on Twitter, facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #WaterWatcher. Make sure to tag @YMCAchicago, too.
Check out our New Swim Lesson Curriculum for the Summer. For additional information contact Janice Fountain at 630-929-2429 or [email protected]